- Palco Piloti / Driving area covered with a wood roof.
- Capienza Box 200 piloti / Box Capacity 200 drivers.
- Rilevamento Velocità / Speed Detection.
- Zona Pre-Gara / Pre-Race Area.
- Bagno per Donne, Uomini e Disabili / Bathroom for women, men and disable people.
- Bar e Ristorante fino a 100 Persone / Bar and Restaurant up to 100 people.
- Zone verifiche tecniche / Technical inspection area.
- Elettricità a 220 V ai tavoli box / Electricity. Power points of 220 V at driver’s tables.
- Monitor VGA per l’intera area / VGA MONITOR for total area.
- Piloti e pista illuminata / Drivers and track illuminated.
- Zona di pulizia / Cleaning area.
- Compressori / Compressor.
- Zona tornitura con prese a 220 V e 12 V /Grid’s area covered. Power point of 220 V and 12V.
- Zona avviamento motori / Table of warning-up engines.
- Altoparlanti in zona piloti, pista e bar / Pubblic-adress system. Loudspeakers at drivers area, track and bar.
- Parcheggio per i concorrenti. Più di 200 posti auto / Parking for competitors. More that 200 parking places.
- Zona Camper / Camping area in the circuit.